Corporate social NORD responsibility is based on formation of favorable working conditions and personnel development, and also assistance to social and economic development of regions and country.
- Corporate social responsibility of PSC «NORD» as employer:
- Safety and favorable working conditions
- Stability and maintenance of socially significant wages
- Granting to employees all complex of social guarantees and privileges.
- Additional medical and social insurance of employees
- Development of human resources through training programs and preparation and improvement of professional skill programs
- Rendering assistance to workers in critical situations
- Social security of employees, preventive treatment, development of social sphere (kindergardens, recreation bases, health improving camps).
NORD carries out programs of social investments and charity. Target audiences of charitable programs of the company are children, youth and pensioners. Holding Group NORD brings the contribution to development of medicine, education, culture and mainly in sports.
- Corporate social responsibility of PSC «NORD» as participant of a public life of region and country:
- Creation of new workplaces
- Timely payment of taxes, wages payment
- Enterprise development — the contribution to steady economic development of the country
- Sponsorship and charity
- Investments into sports development
Support of innovations and recognition of responsibility for influence on associates life quality, including ecological conditions, is obvious to NORD. In 2002, after radical reconstruction, NORD has passed to 100%ecologically pure coolant which does not destroy an ozone layer of the Earth and is safe for ecology.