For clients
In the online store NORD, the exchange of goods of proper quality within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase, is subject to the following conditions:
- availability of an invoice for the purchase of goods;
- factory seals, protective films on the goods;
- the presentation of the product and its components is preserved: there are no mechanical damages, scratches, scrapes;
- The product has no traces of exploitation (Traces of exploitation - any changes in the product, indicating its use for the intended purpose: for kitchen appliances and appliances for the house - traces of cooking or storing food, detergent traces, pollution, for goods requiring installation - traces of installation; for digital technology - installed or activated software, user settings, user files, etc.);
- the presence of original, complete packaging of the goods and their components (violation of the integrity of the package is a partial or complete violation of the appearance of the package, the absence of any components of the package or their strong, non-recoverable damage (the correct opening of the carton by its violation is not);
- the complete set of the goods provided by the Manufacturer is preserved: accessories, consumables, accompanying documentation, operation manual and service book, etc.
Return or exchange of goods of inadequate quality is subject to the presence of a significant defect, confirmed by an act (certificate) of an authorized or NORD service center.
A significant shortcoming is a defect that makes it impossible or unacceptable to use the goods in accordance with its intended purpose, which arose due to the fault of the producer (seller, performer), after its elimination appears again for reasons independent of the buyer and at the same time is endowed with at least one of the following signs: can not be eliminated; its elimination requires more than fourteen days; makes the goods substantially different than stipulated by the contract.
Return of goods of inadequate quality or its exchange is subject to the following list:
- a document confirming the purchase of the goods (a bill of lading);
- certificate of the Authorized Service Center of the Manufacturer about non-maintainability (significant shortage);
- complete assembly of the goods in accordance with the manufacturer\'s instructions;
- a written application of the client for the exchange of goods or a refund of money.
To return the goods, you must send us a message by e-mail shop@nord.ua or fill out the form below. Receive confirmation from a company representative and send the goods to the company's warehouse. Payment for the delivery of goods of appropriate quality - at the expense of the sender.
The funds are returned by bank transfer to the details specified by the buyer. Refunds take on average up to 2 business days after we receive the returned item at the warehouse.