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By accepting this agreement I confirm that I have read and agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of this website.

To fulfill the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", I give my consent to the seller for my personal data processing in order to ensure the implementation of civil relations, providing/ receiving and making payments for purchased products/services, including purchases on credit. This agreement is valid during one year from the moment of confirmation.

I also agree that the seller has the right to access and transfer my personal data to third parties without any additional notifications without changing data processing purposes, which include this Application data verification, and I do not mind the transfer of this information for possible necessary verification to third parties, which are understood as: financial institutions, collection companies, mobile operators and postal services, other individuals and/or legal entities.

I do not mind my data being verified in the relevant credit reporting agencies to establish the information concerning my performance under contracts (including credits), if any, thereby realizing that the scope of information, which may be verified, may include the information relating to banking secrecy, and the investigation of which may be complete and enough to estimate my social and property status, paying capacity and incurring possible arising property liability, if required.

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