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Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this website.
By using this website you further agree that you have read and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you must not use this website.
All information stored and published on this website is the property of PJSC "Nord" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").
You are authorized by the Company to view and download the content of this website for your personal noncommercial use only. It is also permitted to use press releases and other documents that are considered to be public, with their source indication.
You are prohibited from republishing, displaying or transmitting in any manner any materials from this website without Company’s consent. Any materials from this website can be republished, displayed or distributed with the Company’s written consent only.
All materials posted on this website are protected with copyright and other rights, and any unauthorized use of materials from this website may be considered as a violation of Ukrainian and international laws.
By registering on this website, you agree to provide true and accurate information about yourself and your contact information. Upon registration you will receive a login and password, and you will be responsible for their security. You are also responsible for all activities under your login and password on this website. You should notify us in case of loss of your registration data.
The Company does not warranty the accuracy and completeness of any materials and services provided by this site. The site administration will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by this site. The Company may at any time and without notice make changes to the materials and services of this website, as well as products and prices. Should the materials and services of this website get outdated, the Company assumes no obligations to update them.
PJSC "Nord", our partners and other persons mentioned on this website, shall under no circumstances be liable for any damages (including lost profits, loss of data or interruptions of work, inaccurate information about products), which may arise from using this website, any sites containing links to this website, materials or information contained on each or all of those websites.
If the use of materials or information contained on this website results in the need for recovery of damages to a third party, or incurs any other expenses, you should take responsibility to compensate all related costs and damages.
The Company assumes no liability, if the user loses access to his/her account on this website (loss of login, password, other information ).
The Company does not control any third-party websites linked to by this website, and is not responsible for any content posted on these sites, as well as for all possible consequences of accessing these sites. Links to other sites contained on this website are not an endorsement or promotion of these sites, as well as information, software or other products or materials posted there. You access any third party sites entirely at your own risk.
These terms of use shall be construed and enforced in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and applicable international laws.
The company reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time by updating this page. If you are not familiar with the updated version of the Terms of Use and changes in the obligations under it, you should not be exempt from liability for non-compliance and violation. These terms should also be interpreted in accordance with terms and conditions contained in any other page of this website.