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Creating cold for 50 years

Anniversary which notes in 2013 the NORD plant, an event special: significant and important. From 50 years of existence 26 I were his director. The most part of my life is connected with this enterprise, his revival from crises, his reconstruction, his rise and development, and also production falling.

Together — the director and the worker, the shareholder and the technologist, the financier and the mechanic — we have managed to make NORD one of the best, largest enterprises in the country. Therefore I want to express the profound gratitude to all who have brought the contribution in our common cause, to all employees of the enterprise, especially veterans – for dedicated work, firmness before difficulties, belief in the perspective future.

We can really be proud of our plant - more modern, high-mechanized production which production is constantly modernized and improved.

NORD - the only domestic manufacturer who remained in the Ukrainian market of refrigerating devices and became not only a domestic, and and international brand which export of production to the FSU and beyond makes up to 80% of the general sales.

And we aren\'t going to be satisfied with what has already been achieved. The basic rule of our work — continuous development. The development advancing the market. Already today we work on what will be demanded tomorrow by the market and the consumer.

We consider the main strategic tasks creation of new generations of home devices with innovative design and constant introduction of the latest technologies allowing to reach the highest quality standards, profitability and competitiveness. At the same time we essentially continue work aimed at providing availability of our household appliances to the buyer.

Our purposes are ambitious, but we are sure of the opportunities.

"TIME GOES. NORD WORKS" - is proved by our semicentennial history.

Valentin Ivanovich LANDYK,
Hero of Ukraine,
Honorary President of the Group of Enterprises "NORD"

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