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Installments from Forward Bank

With in the NORD FINANCE program, from January 1 to December 31, 2020, in the elected shops work  the next credit programs with partner Forward Bank:

Payment by Installments for 4 Month

Payment by Installments for 6 Month

Payment by Installments for 9 Month

Payment by Installments for 12 Month

Credits JSC Bank Forward. License of the National Bank of Ukraine №226 of 30.10.2014.

In this case, customers are provided with simple and favorable loan terms from Forward Bank: a simplified procedure for issuing a loan, without income certificates, without sureties, collateral and hidden commissions.Branches Forward Bank here

The program extends to all product assortment of the NORD and INTER trademarks. The action is carried out in all territory of Ukraine, except the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the Joint Forces Operation.

It is possible to learn about conditions of the program more in details, having addressed to NORD Consumer support center according to free number 0 800 505 204 or to OTP Bank Information center according to number 0 800 300 880.

Registration of "Installments Forward Bank" happens in several simple steps:

- Select the product on the site, click "Buy in credit", select the loan program "Installment in Forward Bank", the required number of payments in the credit cart and click "Confirm".

- After that you will be redirected to the "Cart", where in Step 1 - you need to enter your personal data, in Step 2 - select delivery conditions, check the payment method and click "Confirm order"».

- In a few minutes the representative of NORD will contact you for order confirmation. In Cart of confirmation the goods are added to a reserve, and the order is sent to the bank representative for execution of the loan agreement. Agreement signature is obligatory in department of Forward Bank.

- After confirmation by Forward Bank of the issued credit you receive your order on the terms of the chosen delivery.


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