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Support Validity: 17/07/2017 - 17/07/2017

When it is possible to turn on the refrigerator after transportation?

At acceptance of the NORD refrigerator from carrier check integrity of packing, lack of mechanical damages, a complete set, existence of documents for the refrigerating device. 
Directly to turn on the refrigerator in a network and it is impossible to check its operation, it is necessary to let system stand that coolant and oil were correctly distributed in the system of the instrument after inevitable jolting when transporting. Even short-time switching on of the refrigerator right after transportation in certain cases can lead to serious breakage of the motor of the compressor.
• If it was transported in vertical position and on the street warmly, it is necessary to withstand the refrigerating instrument before switching on from two to four hours;
• In cold weather it is necessary to withstand the refrigerator before switching on in the power supply network in case of indoor temperature at least 8 hours after vertical transportation. During this time it will heat up to indoor temperature, and all condensate will evaporate.
• If the instrument was transported in horizontal position, it is necessary to let it stand from 8 to 16 hours. 
To draw a conclusion on how the bought refrigerator works, it is possible only in a day or two its successful operation when you are convinced that the instrument joins and switched off, and in cameras the necessary temperature was set. The instrument enters normal operation within at least days.

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