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Corporate News Validity: 30/11/-0001 - 30/11/-0001


It is half a year already as NORD’s employees are working in difficult, and sometimes – psychologically hard conditions. Easiest way in this case – to choose way of many companies of Donets region: to stop production, send staff to unpaid vacations and leave people without livelihood… But these methods are not acceptable for PSC “NORD” – reliable business partner and socially responsible employer.

Many professionals in country and abroad have sincere astonishment and even distrust by the fact that in present situation the functioning of the large enterprise of complex household machinery construction is possible. That it is possible to sustain all scientific potential and resource-intensive complex, to adequately produce quality technique. In spite of all problems that can be seen in the region, NORD keeps working and carries out its obligations according to all contracts signed with business partners.

This all become possible thanks to the labor heroism of the staff, to the mobilization of all intellectual, physical, psychological and creative reserves of people. In particular it is necessary to point out workers of the basic production workshops, who not only fulfilled figures of 7 months 2014 budget, but preserved high quality of the products.

Drivers and NORD’s security service employees are providing in time delivery of materials and components from all localities, even from those situated in the anti-terroristic operation areas.

Supply department of the company managed to persuade regular partners that it is possible to do business with Donetsk factory even in today’s difficult time. Doubts about reliability of Donbass enterprise are vanished, materials for high quality NORD products are supplied in time. Great gratitude needs to be expressed towards logistics specialists who despite big difficulties are able to organize good’s delivery to the consumer in time: problems with providing of trucks and railway transport are being overcome, as well as problems with transportation of the loads by roads in anti-terroristic operations zone and crossing state border.

Engineering departments efficiently reacted to the emergency switch-off from water supply of region’s localities and coordinated its activities using creativity and maximum of efforts to sustain production process at prior rhythm. As breakdown in the functioning of such enterprise as NORD would mean breaking of long term contracts, several thousand citizens losing their jobs and other social shocks not only for city, regions, but for the whole country. In case production pulse was violated or stopped, it would be very difficult or practically impossible to restore functioning of the enterprise.

Everything is being done to keep departments’ functioning well coordinated, to continue production process and to produce quality-stable and reliable goods, which are sold to the consumers so that employees can receive decent salary.

NORD’s employees despised daily dangers and stay with its relatives in the city and continue perform their duties, which are needed by the enterprise. At present moment for the purpose of minimizing possible danger for people NORD develops program of temporary moving of employees and its family members in case of urgent necessity to the recreational bases and other social objects of the company situated behind Donetsk borders.

Company’s management understands well that most part of our employees doesn’t have other livelihoods than salary from our enterprise. That is why we are morally responsible for these people and are obliged to do all what we can to continue functioning of the production, fulfilling contracts with partners and to make people who are loyal to the company feel themselves safe and sure about their future.



Thanks to the staff for that!


Honorary President of PSC “NORD”                                 Valentyn Landyk

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