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Support Validity: 02/11/2017 - 07/12/2017

The correct storage of products in the refrigerator

In case of placement of products in refrigerating and freezing cameras it is necessary to follow the following rules:

• Cool hot products before loading to indoor temperature.

• For preventing of transmission of a smell from one product to another, drying of products, increase in humidity in the refrigerator, you store products in package.

• Fill the refrigerator with products uniformly, try not to "hammer" the camera, air shall circulate freely for uniform cooling of products and normal functioning of the refrigerator.

• Do not allow hit of table salt on the surface of the evaporator.

• Vegetable oils and fats shall not get on plastic details of the refrigerating instrument and a sealer of a door as these details can become porous.

• In order to avoid freezing of products to a back wall of the refrigerator do not lean them against it closely.

• It is forbidden to place in the refrigerating instrument of alkali, acid, medicines without hermetic package, combustible and explosion-dangerous liquids.

• It is impossible to store in the freezer liquid products in a glass tare

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